

As the first international educational institution, we facilitate access to academic and professional migration to Germany for the best nurses from all over the world.

Since 2014, Educaro has helped more than 1 500 young professionals and specialists from different countries to start a successful career in Germany.

Do you meet the requirements for our program? Then apply for our full scholarship:

  • Language and culture classes

  • Job guarantee: interviews and a permanent employment contract with a German hospital even before you move to Germany

  • Approbation as a nurse in Germany

  • Officially certified


You have

  • a Bachelor or Master nursing degree.
  • a nursing licence.
  • enough time for German classes (about 10h per week).
  • the will to start a career in Germany.



Your application to the nursing program starts with the registration through this page. Afterwards, we will contact you personally to follow up on your application. We usually get back to you within 48 hours.



After your registration, we will ask you for some documents such as your resume and your professional degree to verify your studies. Afterwards, we will invite you to a group discussion with other nurses and an individual interview, each lasting approximately 20 minutes. The entire evaluation and selection process usually takes 1 week, but can take up to three weeks if documents are missing.


The nursing program starts with German classes. We will schedule your classes online according to your availability.  The German embassy requires a minimum level of B1 to obtain the work visa. You will also attend cultural workshops to get to know the German culture before you arrive in the country. In addition, we will prepare you for your interview with the hospital in Germany. Due to the contingency, all interviews are conducted online. An educaro consultant will support you during the interview to translate. You will have your first interview with a German hospital within the first 4-8 weeks.

Working Contract

After you have successfully passed the interview with the hospital in Germany, we will send you your permanent employment contract. We explain all the clauses of the contract to you and if you agree, you sign the contract. The contract is signed directly with the hospital in Germany. Usually, you will receive your contract Within 6-12 weeks after you have started the program.


After having

  • signed the contract with the hospital in Germany,
  • passed the official B1 German exam and
  • submitted all the necessary documents for the recognition of your degree and other processes,

we can schedule your appointment at the German embassy to obtain your work visa.

At all times, an educaro advisor will accompany you through the process.

Afterwards, we will plan your arrival in Germany. The planning includes your flight to Germany, your accommodation in Germany and the official registrations in your new home.

It takes usually 12 months (up to 15 months) for you to migrate to Germany from signing your employment contract with a German hospital. 


  • Once you arrive in Germany, Educaro’s Community Manager will meet you at the airport and accompany you to your new city of residence. Once you arrive at your new home, the Community Manager will help you settle into your new room.
  • In the first days after your arrival, the Community Manager will accompany and support you at all times. You will not have to deal with all the necessary administrative formalities and registrations on your own.
  • If possible, a guided tour of the city is planned, during which you will have the opportunity to get to know and get better acquainted with your new city of residence.
  • Welcome Days will also be organized at the hospital before you start working. Here you will be able to get to know your workplace and your colleagues for the first time.
  • Shortly after you start working at the hospital, language and knowledge test preparation courses will begin. During the recognition phase, until you receive your professional certificate, you will be in permanent contact with the Community Manager. You will be able to contact him/her at any time to ask questions.

The entire recognition process usually takes 6-8 months. If you don’t pass at first, the recognition process can take up to 13 months.


Educaro has been awarded for its fair recruitment process

Educaro has been awarded the RAL Quality Seal “Fair Recruitment of Nursing Professionals for Germany.” This seal confirms our commitment to the fair and transparent recruitment of healthcare professionals from abroad, in line with the law to ensure the quality of recruitment. It guarantees that all involved processes are carried out ethically, legally, and with respect for the rights of international nursing professionals.

The visualized process


Educaro puts the candidate first. This is why Educaro is committed to fair and ethical recruitment. We align our corporate practices with the WHO Global Code of Practice on the International Recruitment of Health Personnel and follow the "Employer Pays" Principle. This ensures that no fees are charged to candidates. In addition, the United Nations international human rights agreements, the ILO Core Labour Standards and the IRIS Standards of the International Organization for Migration govern our daily work.


Benefit from great working conditions

Working conditions in Germany are very good and the technology in most hospitals is state of the art. In addition, you can benefit from competitive salary, working hours of 40 hours per week and an extensive insurance cover. In many hospitals, collective bargaining agreements guarantee paid vacation of 30 days per year. 

Germany - Land of variety

Fascinating cities and varied landscapes. Germany has a lot to offer. From the North Sea coast to the Alps, from various lakes to beautiful forests. Germany is open to cultures and offers a lot of culture itself. 

Getting to know other cultures

Germany is known for its cosmopolitanism. More than 200 nationalities live here together in peace. About one in five of Germany’s inhabitants is an immigrant or comes from a family with an immigrant background. The Indian community is a significant part of Germany. The number of people with Indian citizenship living in Germany has tripled in the last 10 years alone.

Germany awaits you!

To facilitate your decision about living and working in Germany, we invite you to consult the informational brochure provided by the Kuratorium Deutsche Altershilfe (KDA).

Discover it here and start planning your future in Germany!

You have further questions?


Send us an email and we can schedule a consultation in our office. 

Code of Ethics

We believe that cultural diversity has a positive impact on every company. The prerequisites for this must be high moral standards and a sustainable form of integration. 

And these standards are written in our Code of Ethics. In doing so, we are officially making a commitment – ​​to our candidates, but also to all the partners with whom we work. 


Educaro is the first international educational institution that provides access to academic and professional education for young professionals on 5 continents.

Educaro has focused on the process of professional nurses who want to work in Germany. Educaro has established partnerships with top hospitals in Germany that offer permanent employment contracts. Since 2014, our team strives to ensure a sustainable integration and accompanies you from German lessons to the recognition of your degree in Germany.

Germany is a cosmopolitan country that is very attractive for qualified international employees. Germany offers cultural diversity, political stability, a high standard of living, good working conditions and many opportunities for personal and professional development. Due to the shortage of qualified workers, especially in the field of nursing, Germany has opened its labor market.

You need a bachelor’s degree in nursing with a diploma and a professional degree.

In addition, for the program at Educaro, you need to have enough time for German classes and participation in cultural and administrative workshops.

The entire learning and application process in your home country takes about a year. For the German courses A1, A2 and B1 you need about 9 months. In addition, a few weeks are needed for the official German exam (B1 level) and for your visa application.

While you are learning German, we will prepare your application documents, organize your interviews with employers in Germany and take care of all administrative tasks.

After receiving your work visa, we will plan your trip to Germany. During the first months in Germany, you will focus on getting to know your new workplace, taking the B2 exam and mastering the recognition process. It takes about 12 months for your foreign diploma to be successfully recognized in Germany.

In total, you can assume that the program, both the part in your home country and in Germany, will take about 24 months.

No, you don’t have to know the German language yet.

You will learn the language together with us in online classes via Zoom. In your home country you will complete level B1.2, which is necessary to receive a work visa. For recognition in Germany, you will need level B2.2, which we will then prepare you for in Germany.

You will have approximately 7.5 hours of German lesson per week. In addition, you should invest another 7.5 hours for homework and studying.

In total, the weekly time commitment is approximately 15 hours.

Educaro is the bridge between you and your potential employers in Germany.

We accompany you on your way from the first step in your home country until the recognition test of your diploma in Germany, which will take place about 12 months after your arrival in Germany.

In addition to German courses and preparation for job interviews, we also prepare you for your new life with intercultural workshops and take care of all necessary bureaucratic and administrative tasks.

Your task is to invest time. On average, you will need about 15 hours per week, mainly to learn the German language.
No, you do not have to do any further training or studies. In order to be accepted into our program, you must fulfill certain requirements. With these prerequisites, your education is eligible for recognition in Germany.

In order for your diploma to be recognized in Germany and for you to be able to work as a registered nurse in Germany, your foreign diploma will be recognized. During the first 3 to 4 months in Germany you will continue to learn German and at the same time your employer will prepare you for the professional examination that you will need for the recognition of your qualification. In total, the preparation course lasts about 6 months. The knowledge test takes place in a health and nursing school and consists of two parts. In the oral part, your theoretical knowledge of nursing in Germany is tested. In the practical part you will learn how to work on a hospital ward and how to care for a maximum of 4 patients. All tests are in German language. If you pass the knowledge test, you will receive your certificate as a registered nurse in Germany.

We will actively support you in this process so that you can successfully pass the exam.

The course takes place 2, 3 or 4 times a week depending on the class you’re in. You should expect to spend approximately 15 hours per week on course and homework.

Due to the pandemic, the German courses are currently all held online via Zoom.

Your future employer will pay your entire flight costs.

Your future employer will find you your first apartment. This is usually either an apartment in the hospital’s dormitory or another apartment near the hospital. Often you will live there together with other candidates or German nurses in a shared apartment.

You will have to pay the rent, utilities and deposit from your German salary. You are usually allowed to stay in this apartment until you are recognized as a nursing specialist. After that you have to look for an apartment yourself. If you find your own apartment earlier, you may of course move earlier.

Your future employer and Educaro will help you with your integration in Germany and will be available to answer your questions.

We will pick you up at the airport, provide you with a first apartment and make sure that you settle in Germany quickly. We also actively support you with all official registrations, compulsory insurances and with the registration of your degree in Germany.


For you, we do our best every day. If something goes wrong, let us know. Our Customer Success Team is always there for you and will handle your concerns confidentially.